We Rise by Uplifting Others

With everything that’s been going on in the media and the world. From earthquakes to hurricanes. We need something to lift us up. Whenever you feel down, I want you to think of the many ways you’ve helped others. Has it been with just spending time, or has it been with giving advice? My favorite is just by being their listening ear so that person can just release the stress. Nothing makes me happier than to help a friend who may not feel comfortable talking to others but feel comfortable talking to me. I love for my friends to feel like they can come to me with anything. I’m just that kinda person. I rather see what I can do, rather do nothing at all.

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One goal I do every day is to find a positive quote, read it and start my day. This how I get my day started and I feel because I read my quote there is nothing that can stand in my way. I learned one positive thought a day can:

  • Change a mood
  • Change an outlook
  • Give you inner peace
  • Give you grace and faith whatever you may believe in.
  • Give you a spiritual guidance and the list goes on.

Whatever it may take to get those positive thoughts going that may help you help others I’m all for it. One thing I dislike is when I come into an establishment and there is a person in a bad mood. Warrant you don’t know what going on the inside but you just know something is just not right. In my heart, I’m a fixer I like to see what I can do but you can’t just walk up to a complete stranger and just ask them what’s the matter? So I do subliminally, I’ll sit next to them and strike up a conversation or sometimes they’ll surprise me and start a conversation with me. So by the time, we leave the establishment everyone is in a better mood. This also how you de-escalate a situation before things go wrong. By them being in a better mood before leaving, that particular person may extend that generosity to someone else. To me, this a form of uplifting others. You’ve help one now they’ll help another. It’s also called spread kindness.

Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from.PNG

Many times we find that we are afraid of asking for help or helping others because we think they might want something in return. Yes, some do because they feel like oh I gave you this so you have to do this.Those people are not uplifting others. They are just there to use you and it’s better to find that out now and cut them off. Then to find out later when it’s too late. I truly believe there are more people who do it out of the kindness of their heart, rather than to see what they can get in return. The people who do it out of the kindness of their heart will generally walk away and not ask for anything in return even when you offer it. They’ll say no that’s alright or they’ll say thank you and go on about their day. You’ll realize that people with alternate motives will constantly ask you for things. Always come around when they need something. It’s never an equal trade it will always be something they need. Learn the signs so you can get the negative energy out of your life or keep it at bay so it’s not affecting your everyday life. You do need a balance so you can have a clear understanding of what uplifting others look like. I’m just saying don’t let the negative tip the scale. Here is how the negative will tip the scale:

  • Phone calls come few and far between and it’s only to ask for something.
  • The person will only show interest into you when it benefits them.
  • They don’t show support.
  • They don’t like it when you say no.
  • They stop calling when they feel you have nothing to offer.

These things are not uplifting, they are hindering. Stop allowing others to hinder you. I had to learn to stop allowing other people make me feel bad for not want to do something or just simply saying no. Who would have thought saying a small word like no would put so many people in their feelings. This also comes with the price of being the yes woman/man. They do say every action has a reaction which I later figured out to be true. I would much rather put people in their feelings so my life can be a little more positive. Then to be miserable because I keep doing things that I don’t want to. It’s a risk I’m willing to take.

What is the risk you are willing to take to have a more filling life? Are you willing to let a certain crowd go? are you willing to learn to allow yourself to be more positive? What are you willing to do? I challenge you to find a way to uplift the people around you and that includes you. Trust me it feels so good to uplift others as much as it feels good to be uplifted.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness.PNG


  1. I love quotes too. I typically post daily quotes on my Facebook/Instagram pages which gives me the opportunity not only to find them, but read them myself. Yes, they do uplift. I suspect people read those posts everyday, but I’ve never asked. I believe if it’s for you, it’ll find you.

    I enjoy helping other people, but like you mentioned, you probably don’t want to approach them and ask if they need help. I find if I make eye contact, a smile is exchanged, and that may be all they need. It also helps me to smile more as well.

    Sometimes I think I may have an invisible sign on my back that reads: “I will help you.” I say this because I’m often approached. People love to share, and it isn’t always something cheerful. Yet, it must be at least part of why I am here (purpose in life), because I get to listen a lot. It’s so sad that many people are walking around in pain. If I can help I will. People generally simply want to be heard and then validated. Then they’re away.

    However, you do have to be careful not to be taken advantage of. Balance is key. Shaking off negative energy is also key. Physically wipe it from your body, and wash your hands. Kindly let your friends and so-called friends know that you have limits. Make your boundaries crystal clear. You are not at their beck and call. And your kindness is not a weakness. No is a complete sentence!!!

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